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  • Hey there! We wanted to give you a heads-up that you can save some extra money by ordering 3 or more Quantities/Products at once! This way, you can get everything you need in a single shipment and we can keep our costs down too.
  • A Tube of tretinoin will last you 2 to 3 months, And It comes with at least a 1-year expiration date so you can order 1 year of supply without any hesitation. Thank you for choosing us. We appreciate your business.
Which countries does Tretinoin mart ship to?

We ship to the USA, UK, Australia, Puerto Rico, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland

How long will it take my order to arrive (For US And Australia)?

It will take about 7 to 14 days.

How long will it take my order to arrive (For UK And Other Countries)?

It will take about 10 to 20 days.

What is the expiry date of the products?

All products will come with an expiry date of at least one year.

What if I receive a damaged product?

If you receive damaged products we will reship the order at no cost.

What if I don’t receive my order?

If don’t receive your order, we will issue a refund or reship your order, whichever you prefer.

Can I track the order?

Yes, You can track your order on the Order tracking page or on your local postal services website. You will receive a tracking number after your order is shipped.